53 responses

  1. Annabelle Hersel Hersel
    March 7, 2024

    I’ll give them a try tomorrow. Look so good. Only letting them rise once ?


    • Kara Cook
      March 19, 2024

      Yes, if you use instant yeast you only need one rise. If you are using regular active yeast, dissolve the yeast in water and also let the dough rise before forming the buns.


  2. A. Naman
    October 24, 2015

    I really wanted to thank you for the recipe. I couldn’t find really good hamburger buns here in Iraq. I decided to try your recipe and it was successful and really good!!! Thank you for posting this recipe the guys LOVED it. They said the hamburger and bun reminded them of the States!!!


    • Kara
      October 24, 2015

      So glad to hear that the recipe was a hit!!


  3. Dezi A
    May 6, 2013

    I wanted to make hamburgers yesterday but we didn’t have buns. I went right to Pinterest and this was one of the first recipes to pop up and when I saw it was from your site I knew it had to be good. And it did not disappoint. They looked beautiful and tasted delicious! Hoping I’ll never buy store buns again. Thanks!!


    • Kara
      May 6, 2013

      So glad to hear it Dezi! It’s crazy how much tastier than store bought they are, isn’t it?


  4. what kind of flour do i use
    April 4, 2013

    what kind of flour do i use


    • Kara
      April 4, 2013

      You can use all purpose flour, bread flour, or even whole wheat flour.


  5. Linda B
    October 31, 2012

    tried them recently with pineapple turkey burgers and oh my god, they are soo good! thanks for sharing!!


  6. Julie
    October 20, 2012

    Made this recipe last night and we loved them. Thanks for sharing!
    Can this recipe be used for hot dog buns?


  7. Amy
    May 10, 2012

    I made one batch in the bread machine and let it rise in there and one where I took it out and let it rise on the pan. It worked better rising on the pan but it’s delicious either way! Thanks for sharing the recipe!


    • Kara
      May 11, 2012

      So glad to hear it Amy! I don’t have a bread machine, so thanks for testing it out and letting everyone else know that it works. Have a wonderful weekend!


  8. Amy
    May 10, 2012

    I made these in my bread machine on the dough setting and it worked great! I just let them rise in there and then formed and baked them. They are still baking, but I will let you know how they taste later. 🙂 Just thought I would share in case anyone else was wondering if it would work.


  9. Kara
    April 25, 2012

    Duh, just saw that you already tried dissolving the yeast first. Not sure why it isn’t rising for some of you. Sometimes when I bake during the winter my kitchen is cold and my dough raises really slow. I preheat my oven to 200, then turn it off. I place a pan of boiling water on the bottom rack, and my covered rolls/buns on the top rack. Then I close the oven door to make a little “sauna” for my dough. It does the trick every time!


  10. Erica
    April 20, 2012

    Mine didn’t rise either. They are like small hockey pucks lol. The yeast is not expired (has about 4 months more till then) Not sure what i did wrong.


    • Erica
      April 22, 2012

      I’ve tried it again taking a different method to this recipe… Letting the yeast activate. Still doesn’t rise. I have used same yeast for pizza dough and french bread recently and have had no issues. Somethings not right


      • Kara
        April 25, 2012

        Are you using the instant yeast? If not you have to dissolve it in the water first (use warm, not hot). If you are using the instant yeast, make sure your water is really hot so it warms up the dough. If that doesn’t work, you can dissolve the instant yeast in warm water and see if that works. Let me know.


  11. Moriah
    December 26, 2011

    Thanks for sharing! Wonderful recipe!


  12. Alice
    September 11, 2011

    Thanks for the recipe! I gave it a try…and wondering what I’m doing wrong? They didn’t rise very much, though I let the dough rest. And I didn’t get that beautiful browning on top.

    Believe me, this is a user error on my end. The buns were great tasting…my family loved them! But mine didn’t look quite like yours…and I would love for them too! Especially because they taste so good!

    Keep on doing what you’re doing!


  13. dahlia
    August 26, 2011

    these were fabulous! i made 8 and they were like slider rolls instead of full size buns. i wonder if i could replace 1/2 the flour with whole wheat or use WW pastry flour instead? anyone tried this?


  14. Karen at Little Red House Designs
    August 14, 2011

    these seem insanely easy… must try!


    • Karen at Little Red House Designs
      August 17, 2011

      OK made these today – FABULOUS! Quick and Easy – I am posting about this on tomorrows blog post. Thank you!


  15. Richard
    August 5, 2011

    These are great! Easy, fast (for bread), and just plain yummy. They also stand up well to juicy, loaded burgers, unlike many store-boughten buns.

    I’ve made them several times per your original recipe and WAY dig ’em. Also used this dough to make hot-dog buns, altho’ I only make six per batch of dough, ‘cuz we like a big bun for full-sized dogs and bunches of toppings. At the moment, I’ve got a batch rising made with half the flour being whole-wheat.

    Thanks for sharing.


  16. Jeniece
    July 5, 2011

    Is there a way to bake this as a loaf? Its the perfect bread period and I’d like a sliceable version.


    • Jeniece
      July 9, 2011

      It worked perfectly! Thanks Kara. Next time I’ll do a double loaf since 8 buns makes for a small loaf.


  17. Kelly
    June 30, 2011

    I know this is an older post, but I came across your recipe and had to let you know the buns turned out great! I’ve tried a few other recipes before, but these are the best, and easy! Thanks for posting!


  18. Sm
    June 9, 2011

    These look amazing!! I plan to make them for some buffalo burgers I just picked up! (with meat that delicious I couldn’t risk ruining the burgers with store bought buns!)

    Thanks for sharing!


  19. renee
    March 16, 2011

    they look great- I’m making them now and wondering if the egg goes in the dough or just to brush on top? I just don’t want to put it in the dough if it’s not supposed to be in there! 🙂 Thanks, renee


  20. that girl down south
    January 30, 2011

    I made these last night. They were so tasty. I’ve done a lot of baking and I was also impressed at how easy they were to make. Thanks for the great recipe.


  21. Daphne
    October 9, 2010

    When I saw the picture and the simple, simple recipe, I just knew I had to make it! This was my first time making bread, but the buns turned out great! Definitely better than store bought. I do wonder if they freeze well, so I can always have a batch of these ready to use. With only one other person in the household, finishing 8 burger buns while they’re fresh just isn’t always possible. And I’d hate to waste such lovely homemade food!

    Thanks for a great recipe!


    • Kara
      October 9, 2010

      I freeze my homemade bread all the time, so I bet these would freeze well too. Just make sure to wrap them in plastic wrap to prevent freezer burn. 🙂


  22. Polly @ Helping Little Hands
    July 15, 2010

    I was just thinking of trying hamburger buns becuase I hate paying for them when they don’t taste as good as homemade bread. Now I know what recipe to use! Thanks!


  23. Lori Woodman
    June 30, 2010

    Kara, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog…especially the recipes. I have made so many of your dishes (really good roast, bajio pork, rolls, pretzels, smoothies, etc, etc) and always look at your recipe index when I’m looking for something specific. I’m trying a new pulled pork recipe from Recipezaar so wanted to make your homemade hamburger buns. Just wanted to let you know the buns aren’t in your index! Thanks for your blog. It’s inspiring me to get going on the posts I have!


    • Kara
      June 30, 2010

      So glad you’re trying my recipes and enjoying them. That just always makes my day. 🙂
      Thanks for letting me know about the Hamburger Bun link in the index. Ooops! It’s there now.


  24. Lis@Its A Blog Party
    June 15, 2010

    That looks delicious!
    Thanks for linking up!


  25. Debbie White
    June 13, 2010

    These look great! I remember when I was in school that they had what I believed were homemade hamburger buns. They would make shredded bar b que meat and place it on these buns. UMMMM, I’ve never forgotten them! Thanks so much for the recipe!


    • Kara
      June 13, 2010

      Yum, that sounds good! Maybe I’ll have to try it next. 🙂


  26. Heidi N
    June 12, 2010

    That looks perfect – better than an advertisement. It makes my mouth water.


  27. Charlotte
    June 11, 2010

    I am totally going to try this. I’ve been trying to do more homemade bread products.


  28. Amanda
    June 11, 2010

    oooh! Thanks for the recipe! Grilling is a summer staple at our house too — can’t wait to try making these!


  29. Kristin
    June 11, 2010

    Wow, I want to eat that photo. Nothing better than burgers and bbq’s in the summer! Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day! 🙂


  30. Country Girl in the City
    June 10, 2010

    I started making home made hamburger buns recently and I completely agree, they are so much better than the ones from the store!!!!


  31. Denissa
    June 10, 2010

    Those look yummy! I’m def. going to make those next time we have hamburgers..like up tomorrow! 🙂
    I linked up my project but the button doesn’t show the picture..has anyone else had the same?


    • Kara
      June 10, 2010

      It’s showing up now. Sometimes it just takes a minute or two. Not sure why.
      Love the pedestal bowl by the way! 🙂


  32. Pati @ A Crafty Escape
    June 10, 2010

    These look insanely good… might have to try them this weekend. Thanks for sharing!


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