I know, I know, this homemade play dough isn’t a food recipe. But it is such a great idea that I had to share it anyway. Not only is the end result hours of fun, but putting it together is a fun activity for kids. My four year old and I made this yesterday and he loved it! I had him dump in all the ingredients, then I cooked it. After it cooled a bit, he helped me knead in the food coloring. He was thrilled!
This play-doh is much softer than the store bought variety, so it is much easier for small children to work with. It will keep a really, really long time if you store it in an air-tight container. Kids love it. My son actually choose playing with play-doh over playing on the computer, and that is a small miracle!
I think it would be a great Christmas gift for a child, grandchild, or friend. You could divide it and make several colors. One fun way to give it is to place it in those colored Tupperware cups with lids. You know-red cup/red play-doh, blue cup/blue play-doh, etc. Then they have something to store it in. Perfect!
1 cup salt
1 Tbsp oil
2 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
2 cups cold water
Food coloring
Combine first 5 ingredients in large non-stick pan. Cook over medium heat for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Mixture will appear lumpy at first. Don’t panic! Just keep stirring till it all clumps together to form a ball. Dump out on countertop and knead in several drops of food coloring. I used about 10 drops.