Update: A few people have asked me to share some of the Christmas activities I put inside the stockings. I have included a list at the bottom of the post.
Did you all have a fabulous Thanksgiving holiday? I had a great Thanksgiving day, but by that evening I was getting a sore throat. Turns out I had strep again. I know. I sound like a broken record player: “I’m sick. Oh, I’m sick again. Guess what, I’m sick again.” Trust me, I am more tired of saying it than you are of hearing it. ๐
I was feeling better yesterday, but was still contagious, so I had to stay home from church. While my hubbie and boys were gone, I worked on a project that I have been so excited for. I am absolutely thrilled with the way it turned out!! Thrilled I tell you!!
I love Christmas advent calendars. Not only are they darn cute, but they are so much fun for kids. I’ve seen a few around that hung across mantles and had pockets for goodies. I’ve been dying to make one for my boys. It took a lot of brainstorming and a couple of failures, but I finally came up with an idea that worked. I made stockings out of the miles of leftover canvas that I have lying around. Instead of hanging them across my mantle, I hung them on a little tree that we already had.
Isn’t it cute?!?
I sewed the fabric together and then just cut around the edge. I stenciled on some numbers, then glued on a cuff made from warm & natural batting. Then I added a fabric bow and a twine hanger.
Here is a close up of one of the stockings:
I made a list of Christmas activities, and I will be putting one activity in each stocking. My boys are so excited for tomorrow when they get to pull the slip out of stocking #1! I’m sure this advent calendar will be a favorite tradition for years to come.
I considered making up a pattern and set of stencils and selling it in my Etsy store, but since December starts tomorrow, I thought it might be too late. If some of you are interested, let me know and I will work one up.
Here are some of the activities that I put inside our advent calendar:
-Drop and run: We make treats and drop them on a neighbor’s porch, ring the bell, and run away before they answer the door.
-Sub for Santa: We host a family every year and it is a wonderful opportunity!
-Decorate sugar cookies
-Pop popcorn and watch a Christmas movie
-Play Don’t Eat Santa (This is one of my boys’ very favorite games!)
-Visit Temple Square and see the lights
-Sleep under the Christmas tree (we usually do this the day we decorate the tree)
-Write letters to Santa
-Learn about how another country celebrates Christmas and eat foods from that country. (We did a Mexican Fiesta this year.)
-Make gingerbread houses
-Go Christmas shopping and wrap presents
-Read the real story of Christmas from the Bible (on Christmas Eve)
I am so in love with this idea!
Our Advent calendar broke last holiday season so I have been wondering whether to replace it or just make up something else. Our old one had all those little doors on it and each day you opened it up and I would leave a small candy or sticker inside. Now that my son is a bit older I love the idea of putting activities in it!
Glad you like it. It has really been a hit at our house. If you think of any great activities to add, feel free to share them. ๐