Personalize your back to school supplies with these fun and easy Duck Tape craft ideas!!
It’s officially Back to School time. Are all of your kids ready? I’m not ready for summer to be over, so we put off school shopping till the very last minute. School started Wednesday for my 12 yo, so of course we waited till Tuesday to buy school supplies. I’m awesome like that.
I was asked by Duck Tape® to make some fun back to school duck tape crafts. I was pretty thrilled, because we love Duck Tape® at our house. We’ve used it from everything from making wallets to holding a pair of shoes together!
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like I am drowning in all of the papers my boys bring home from school. I decided to make a cute clipboard to hold the papers my boys bring home that need my attention. I will be keeping it at our homework station by the computer in the kitchen. Hopefully we will have no more lost permission slips!
Once I got the clipboard done, I decided it needed a matching pen, so I covered one with Duck Tape®. I was having so much fun that I made a few bookmarks. We have a bunch of readers at our house, so we are always in need of bookmarks!
I think any of these projects would make wonderful teacher gifts, but this time I am being totally selfish and keeping them for myself. I’ll have to make it up to them later. 🙂
If you’d like to make them for yourself or a lucky teacher, here are the instructions:
Duck Tape® Covered Clipboard with Matching Pen
-Scissors (I love using my non-stick scissors when working with Duck Tape®.)
-Exacto knife
-Duck Tape® in your choice of colors and patterns.
Start with a clipboard. I used one I already had in my craft closet.
Starting at the bottom, add a strip of Duck Tape®, making sure it is completely straight.
Then continue adding strips of Duck Tape® till you cover your entire clip board. When you get to the top, you will have to use an exacto knife to cut around the clip.
After you have the clipboard totally covered in Duck Tape®, fold the ends of the tape over to the back.
Now it’s time to add the pen holder at the top of your clip board. Cut a piece of Duck Tape® about 3/4″ tall and 4 1/2″ long.
Carefully cut a piece of Duck Tape® about 1 1/2″ long and place it face down on the tape about an inch and a half from the left edge. (That piece will make it so your pen won’t stick to the tape.
Secure the tape to the top corner of your clipboard, with the short side on the left and the long side wrapping around the back of your clipboard. Make sure you leave the loop large enough for your pen to fit in!
To finish off the back of the clipboard, just add row after row of tape, just like you did the front. When you finish, trim the tape as close to the clipboard as you can. Not only does it look pretty, but the tape at the top secures your pen holder in place.
How handy is that!?
To cover your pen, just cut a strip of Duck Tape® the length of the round part of your pen, then wrap it around. It is a little tricky getting the Duck Tape® under the clip, but it can be done. If you mess up, just pull it off and start over. That’s the beauty of Duck Tape®, it’s easy to work with and you can re-do your mistakes easily!
Duck Tape Bookmarks
Cut a piece of Duck Tape® 5″ long. Fold one side of the tape towards the middle; press down along the seam.Now fold the other side into the middle and press along that seam.
Cut right down the middle, and you will have two pieces, enough to make two bookmarks.
Slip the piece of Duck Tape® through the end of a jumbo paper clip. Make sure you use the end opposite the small inside loop. When you have it centered, pull both ends tightly to make a mark in the tape.
Take the tape off the paper clip and cut some small notches at the sides where the paper clip made indent marks.
Place the tape back on the paper clip end. Now cut a thin piece of Duck Tape® and wrap it tightly around top of the paper clip to secure everything in place. And if you’d like, cut your Duck Tape® “ribbons” at an angle.
You can make them any colors you like. The possibilities are endless!
If you still have some back to school shopping to do, you might wanna grab some Duck Tape®. It can be used to personalize just about anything. My youngest son saw me having fun with these projects and asked if he could make something. Later on I’ll be showing the quick and easy makeover we gave his notebook. He loves it!
Wow!! Just what I was looking for how to cover a clipboard with duct. I have all the supplies needed.
Very cool idea (easy, too)! How did you finish the back of the clipboard?