3 responses

  1. riley
    July 14, 2016

    You have a very nice article at the same time sharing tips on your expertise and that’s a very mature thing to do. Anyway my daughter got me into getting her some hair clips from hairclippy.com and that was the time I realized that she wants to look pretty as well and I’m so happy for her.


  2. jennifer perez
    May 16, 2013



  3. jennifer perez
    May 16, 2013

    I am a bow maker/seller, and I want new ideas to keep my customers entertained. I love these flower clips, and they are perfect! I want to make them ASAP, but im afraid i don’t know how you male the flower so perfect and lined. Also what is the yellow center of the flower made out of? I’d appreciate your response! Thank you 🙂


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