21 responses

  1. Landon Edgington
    September 14, 2020

    Thanks for the tips! Its actually good that i’ve come across your blog this gave me ideas.


  2. Landon “Lumber Master” Edgington
    September 10, 2020

    Hi, I am amazed on the result of your project and the amount of work you put up. May ask, what is the total cost of all the materials used in this project.


    • Kara Cook
      September 17, 2020

      So sorry, I’m not sure on the cost. It was almost seven years ago, and I have a hard time remembering things from last month. Haha. Also, I had half of the supplies on hand already, so even at the time it was hard to calculate the cost.


  3. Robert Terry
    October 10, 2019

    Hey dear, Thanks a lot for sharing such great stuff on how to stain wood. I have got some fantastic tips and ideas in your post. You have just noted an essential point, “STAINING THE WOOD: After the wood conditioner has soaked in for about 15 minutes, it’s time to apply the stain. I used Minwax Wood Finish in Red Mahogany. Sometimes I use a brush when applying wood stain, but I tend to flick stain everywhere. That’s fine when I’m working with a piece of furniture outside, but since this is a built in, I used a soft cloth just to be safe. I applied three coats of stain.” Most of the woodworker does not know about this very well. I do hope this post will be more useful for the new and old woodworker.


  4. Robert Terry
    October 10, 2019

    Hey dear, Thanks a lot for sharing such great stuff on how to stain wood. I got some fantastic tips and ideas in your post. I do hope this post will be useful for the new and old woodworker.


  5. Fatima M
    March 16, 2019

    Great article! What brush would you recommend to use for staining cabinets? I’m trying to figure it out using this article woodimprove.com/best-brushes-for-staining-wood/ but it’s still a problem.


  6. Tommy
    January 5, 2019

    What steps do I need to do to stain pine trim


    • Kara Cook
      January 7, 2019

      I would use the same steps, doing as many boards at the same time as you have space for. When I’m working with long pieces like baseboard, I cover an old table with a plastic tablecloth and line all of the prepped boards up. I paint or stain the one closest to me, then move it to the back of the table and work on the next one. I stained some pine trim in our old house that way, and it worked great!


  7. Earlene Shaff
    May 7, 2017

    I have a question..
    I used stain over chaulk paint on my dining table.
    By the time I was almost finished I had figured out what I was doing wrong.
    However, how do I fix the horrible brush strokes I made in the beginning?



  8. Lynn
    October 11, 2016

    Don’t forget to wipe any wood conditioner off before staining


  9. Jamila Miller
    May 20, 2015

    I’m having a little issue here. I restained my bedroom set the same it color it is black and I used the minwax ebony. After I stain it, wait the 15 minutes, and then wipe it down I end up with visible streaks. Is there something I’m doing wrong or what can I do to prevent this?


    • Kara Cook
      January 7, 2019

      It could be that it is drying too fast, so I’d try wiping it off before 15 minutes have passed.


  10. Kristina
    May 5, 2015

    Hey there! Thanks for all the tips. I was just wondering, how soon after applying the lemon oil do you apply the poly? Let me know at your earliest convenience. Thanks again!


    • Kara
      May 5, 2015

      I added the poly right after I applied the lemon oil. As long as you’ve wiped it off well, you should be fine.


  11. Phyllis
    April 15, 2015

    I have a problem and now I am desperate. While searching for answer to my problem, I found your site. I am taking a chance to see if you have an answer or not. I started refinishing a large room wall unit. I used Minwax wood-sheen rubbing oil stain and finish, rosewood. I ran short and went out to find more. Store after store only had one with water base.

    I am not sure if these two products will work. So, could I put a coat of the Minwax stain that is water base. Apparently, I have had mine for a while. It went on beautifully and the rosewood color matches. Now, I am half finished and can not find the product.
    I appreciate any help that you might have to offer. Thank you.


    • Kara
      April 16, 2015

      Oh man, that is a bummer! I’m not an expert, but I’ll give it my best. . . I know that oil based products can be applied over water based, but not the other way around. The oil repels the water. If the color of the two stains is exactly the same shade, you might have luck using them next to each other, but I don’t think you would be able to add a second coat over the oil coat you already put on. I’d first test the color in a spot that doesn’t show, to see if they match. Then just try a very small amount next to the oil based stain to see if the look blends well. IF it does, I’d proceed. If not, you might have to use a darker stain to cover up the discrepancy. Good luck!!


  12. Meg
    February 22, 2015

    …best tips on refinishing and staining I’ve found!! Thank you!! I either found an encyclopedia on refinishing or major information was skipped… again thanks… now I can proceed with confidence!! 🙂


  13. Anonymous
    June 29, 2013

    Thanks for all your tips – this is exactly what I was looking for to restain my kitchen table – and my two chests, if it ever stops raining!!! TFS – BTW – it looks great!


    • Kara
      June 30, 2013

      So glad to hear it. I wish you could send your rain my direction. We are burning up around here!


  14. Donna
    June 24, 2013

    Came across your blog from Pinterest and love it. Started with zucchini bread and now I even know how to stain my table! Thanks for the great info! I just started a garden blog at theradishpatch.com ….and you’re an inspiration..Thanks! Great Job!


    • Kara
      June 30, 2013

      Thanks Donna! I checked out your website, and I love your little succulent garden ideas! I love the one with the tiny pond in it. So cute!


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