7 responses

  1. Bernie Williams
    July 21, 2019

    These cookies were good and soft chew. Will use again


  2. Debbie
    December 12, 2017

    Made these today and they were so good.. Had to sub a few things just because I was out. Only had 1 egg so I used that plus 1tblsp Chia seeds with 3 tblsp hot water till it jelly uped.. Didn’t have the coconut oil so did half a cup of butter shortening stick. Added a bit extra of the toasted. coconut maybe 1.25 of a cup. Some people may find it a bit salty but I thought it offset the sweetness of the coconut and chocolate and oatmeal perfect. 9 min seemed a bit underdone.. But I realized if I let them sit in the pan for about 2 min longer they were perfect once out of the oven.. The ten min batches seemed a tad to crispy once they cooled


  3. Abraham
    April 27, 2017

    These were seriously amazing.


  4. alexandra McCann
    April 24, 2017

    Will it be okay without the coconut oil


  5. Michelle
    February 22, 2017

    I made these today and they were amazing.
    Unfortunately I did not toast the coconut, but next time I will!
    I used white and milk chocolate chips because I wanted to use what I had on hand, although I did reduce the amount of cc by about 1/2 cup, it was not missed.
    This recipe was tremendous and just the right amount of everything to yield a nice amount of cookies. The baked perfectly and looked as good as they tasted!


  6. Angela
    February 9, 2017

    Snowed in with my 2 year old son today and we made these-DELICIOUS!


  7. Karen
    August 4, 2016

    I love coconut soooo much! I will have to use this recipe next time instead of the standard chocolate chip cookie recipe!


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