19 responses

  1. TJ
    June 26, 2022

    Kara, I’ve been baking biscuits since I was about 10 years old with my mom and granny, both raised in Tennessee. Your melted butter biscuit recipe goes completely against the grain (see what I did there) of nearly every recipe that shows up in a search! It absolutely stands the test of fluffy goodness and my family doesn’t want me to make them any other way now! Kudos Kiddo!


    • Kara Cook
      June 28, 2022

      I was so skeptical the first time I made them, and it’s crazy that it works, but it really does. So glad your family loved them, they are so much easier!


  2. Lori ann
    May 27, 2022

    I have never been able to get biscuits right, this recipe is wonderful,i can actually make great biscuits now and everyone loves them. Thank you! I am so glad i found this site.


    • Kara Cook
      May 30, 2022

      Yay, I am so happy to hear that Lori Ann! I love it when an easier method turns out just as tasty. 🙂


  3. Tony
    February 12, 2022

    I’ve been experimenting with biscuit recipes for years! This is the best one yet! Melting the butter and mixing with the buttermilk is genius! This is a fantastic recipe and I think my search is over!


    • Kara Cook
      February 24, 2022

      Yay, happy to hear that Tony! I couldn’t believe how great they turned out the first time I made them, and they are so much easier than other recipes. 🙂


  4. Linda
    August 8, 2021

    This recipe for buttermilk biscuits had been my go-to for a while. I also will add a little more sugar and cinnamon then use them for strawberry shortcakes.


    • Kara Cook
      August 9, 2021

      That is a great idea! I bet your strawberry shortcake will be delicious. I’ve never thought to add a bit of cinnamon – genius!


  5. Mary Spencer
    July 9, 2021

    Well I just tasted them and they were good, but next time I will do it with regular flour and baking soda and baking powder and salt, and I won’t add as much flour as did. They came out a little flat , probly because I used self rising flour. But they tasted really good!! And I can’t wait to make them again following the directions more closely.


    • Kara Cook
      July 20, 2021

      Biscuits use more baking powder than what is in self rising flour, so they will definitely be more fluffy as directed. Glad they still tasted good! 🙂


  6. Mary Spencer
    July 9, 2021

    I just made these they are in the oven cooking right now. I made a few changes. I used self rising flour, so no need for baking powder and baking soda and salt. I I didn’t add sugar either, also added a little more flour to make the dough rollable, and I cut the biscuits with my biscuit cutter that i made out of a can. I have been wanting homemade buttermilk biscuits for a long time. Haven’t had them since I moved away from Florida. I’ll let you know how they taste when I take them out of the oven.


  7. Kristin
    January 3, 2021

    Best biscuits I’ve ever made – they are tender on the inside, but not overly dry like a lot of recipes I’ve used. I baked in a glass pan and had to up the cooking time to 18 minutes. I also subbed soy milk and 1tbs of vinegar for the buttermilk because I don’t keep that on hand. This recipe is a keeper, so much easier than rubbing in butter. Perfect Sunday breakfast! Thank you!


    • Kara Cook
      February 6, 2021

      So happy to hear that they were such a hit! Thanks for sharing your buttermilk substitution, I’m sure other readers will find it helpful! 🙂


  8. Sandra Tarter
    December 27, 2020

    Baking them now. Loved my first attempt at this recipe and really enjoyed them. Using the cut method and it is already doing it’s magic with anticipation. Thank you and blessings for happy days ahead.


    • Kara Cook
      December 29, 2020

      So glad you like them, and I appreciate the kind words! 🙂


  9. Lynn
    August 9, 2020

    I was looking for a biscuit recipe that used both buttermilk and melted butter. This recipe has both. I made half the recipe as written (I did the extra flour/cut method) and added some sugar and fresh blueberries to the other half. Both were delicious.


    • Kara Cook
      August 13, 2020

      So glad to hear that you liked them. It’s a genius idea to add sugar and berries to half so you can have some savory and some sweet!


  10. Nancy
    September 28, 2016

    Hi Kara! So glad you are feeling better!!! Love this recipe! Take care of yourself.


  11. Allie
    September 28, 2016

    Welcome back Kara! Glad you feel better. Thank you for posting the biscuit recipe. Finally, a biscuit recipe I think I can actually do!


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