53 responses

  1. Renee Gransbury
    December 21, 2024

    I made something like this for Christmas for several years and then lost the recipe!! I call it “Grinch Chow” and add some green food coloring and instead of sprinkles, I use christmas mini M&Ms.


    • Kara Cook
      January 1, 2025

      That is such a fun idea – and I’m always a fan of adding M&M’s!


  2. Robin
    February 19, 2024

    I got a snack size bag of this addicting puffcorn at a bake sale. Honestly, planned to take home and share. However, it did not make it home because I ate all of it.. so, I found your recipe and im now waiting for my first batch to harden. Thank you so much for sharing. It is definitely crazy something so simple is so addicting.


    • Kara Cook
      February 20, 2024

      Haha, that sounds like something I would do. You are right, this stuff is sinfully addicting!


  3. Debbie
    January 22, 2024

    I’m going to make this for my daughter’s gender reveal. I plan to use blue and pink sprinkles! Sounds so yummy – looking forward to making it!!!


  4. Lisa
    January 14, 2024

    Has anyone ever heat sealed this in bags for resell? Just wondering how long it stays fresh.


  5. Annie
    December 23, 2023

    How do you suggest storing this after it hardens? Countertop or fridge?


    • Kara Cook
      January 5, 2024

      I always store mine just at room temperature. It keeps really well just on the counter!


  6. Kristin
    January 2, 2023

    I love how you say to use Puffcorn, but form your pictures, you obviously used actual popcorn and not Puffcorn which is completely hulless and doesn’t look anything like popped popcorn. Love the recipe however.


  7. Cindi
    December 28, 2022

    Found this while searching for a “sweet” recipe for a work potluck, that wasn’t a Christmas Cookie, as that ship sailed away.
    I used two 9 ounce bags, and of course the stores were out of almond bark, but I did find Ghiradelli (SP?) white melting wafers. Not sure how coated their supposed to be but they all got a fine coating and OMG! Addicting! Its a great combo of sweet and salty. I hope I have some left by morning to take to work! Thanks for the great recipe! Can’t wait to tell my daughters about this one!


    • Kara Cook
      January 17, 2023

      The Ghirardelli melting wafers are a great substitute, I’ve used them a time or two. So glad you loved it. It’s hard to believe that something so easy could be so addicting!


  8. Talva Keith
    October 27, 2022

    Thanks for sharing!! I have always used butter or plain popcorn with this. (Where do you get the puffed corn?).
    I also use colored baking candy wafers from Hobby Lobby, Michaels or any Large Walmart store, instead of the almond bark (in white or dark). At Christmas you can add green and red M&M’s or July 4th, red, white and blue ones, etc. so many options to make this with. I agree, it is SO simple, delicious and Addicting!!
    I haven’t found anyone who doesn’t love this!!


    • Kara Cook
      November 14, 2022

      Yes, it’s so good with popcorn as well! I love it with M&M’s. My local grocery store carries the puffcorn during the holiday season, but I think Walmart carries it all year long. You can also find it on amazon, but it’s usually more expensive.


  9. Judy Bergquist
    December 22, 2021

    This is amazing! I don’t quite under the calories/nutrition info. The almond bark I bought has 150 calories per each 1/2 square. That alone is 300 calories for 12 squares.

    Yet the recipe says 12 servings which would be a minimum of 300 calories per serving.
    What am I missing?


    • Kara Cook
      January 4, 2022

      I think because I put in that you could use 6-8 ounces of puffcorn, it didn’t correctly compute the nutrition. Danggit. I updated the amount to 8 ounces, so now it is more accurate.


  10. Amy
    December 13, 2021

    The link to the puff corn no longer exists. What brand do you use?


    • Kara Cook
      January 4, 2022

      I use whatever brand I can find at the store. I’ve used several different brands and all of them have worked just fine. This year all I could find was a store brand, and they were still tasty!


  11. Rita
    December 12, 2021

    Hi Kara, Can the white chocolate puffcorn be refrigerated for a few days while I wait for my gift boxes and bags to show up? I am batch cooking and baking for holiday gifts…so in the meantime. Thanks


  12. Jan
    August 23, 2021

    I make this for Christmas treats. I add crushed peppermint candy with the chocolate. Every one loves it.


    • Kara Cook
      August 24, 2021

      I love that idea! I bet it is tasty with crushed peppermints, I’ll have to try it!


  13. Jasmin
    February 9, 2021

    A friend made this for Super Bowl… omg it was soooooo yummy!!! So now I would like to make it but was wondering if anyone tried making it with white chocolate chips instead of almond bark. Would like to know how it turned out. TIA


    • Kara Cook
      February 19, 2021

      I have made it with white chocolate chips instead, but you have to add a bit of oil or shortening (not butter). Usually about 1-2 teaspoons of oil for every cup of chocolate chips.


  14. Laura
    November 15, 2020

    I can see why the word Crack is in the title!! I can’t stop eating this mixture!! That sweet & salty satisfies both cravings!! So glad I found this recipe because I’m loving your blog!! I’ll be trying a couple of your other awesome recipes tomorrow!!! Thank You!!


  15. Lisa
    October 15, 2020

    Love this idea. I had to give up regular popcorn due to the hulls & this sounds like a fantastic replacement. Thank you!


  16. Peggy
    May 20, 2020

    Where can h you find it


    • Kara Cook
      May 23, 2020

      I can find the puffcorn at my local grocery store, but if you click the link on the recipe card, you can buy it online at Target. (If it’s in stock -so many people are home baking during this dang pandemic that I’ve found it much harder to find ingredients online.)


  17. Joan Callaghan
    April 25, 2020

    Can you use white chocolate chips or white chocolate melting chips?


  18. Atiya
    December 29, 2019

    I am making for NYE and added gold sprinkles to make it festive.. I don’t know how I never heard of this before this Christmas!! I had it for the 1st time and now I am making it a week later lol


    • Kara Cook
      December 30, 2019

      I love the idea of adding gold sprinkles, I bet it was so pretty! It is addicting stuff, that’s for sure. 🙂


  19. Nicole
    December 27, 2019

    This looks incredible! Thanks for sharing


  20. Barbara
    December 23, 2019

    I have been making this for years we call it snowman poop…It’s amazing….


  21. Heidi
    November 16, 2019

    The recipe calls for almond bark but the recipe says whites chocolate. Is that the same thing?


  22. Heather M Kuma
    September 14, 2019

    Omg people don’t do it! It horrible, disgusting full of bad stuff!!! 😂 I can’t do it with a straight face even virtually! It’s flipping amazing and addictive but I swear if there is a white chocolate and puff corn shortage after word gets out I will not be happy! Lol Take it easy y’all! 😉


    • Kara Cook
      September 17, 2019

      Haha! I would freak out if there was a shortage on white chocolate and puff corn. Let’s hope that never happens!


  23. Melanie
    September 6, 2019

    Once made, how long will it last before going stale.


    • Kara Cook
      September 17, 2019

      I like it best within a about 3 day, after that it starts to get a little soft. My family doesn’t really notice though, they will eat it even after a week. (If any lasts that long!)


  24. Melissa
    December 27, 2018

    I’ve made something similar to this for several years with white almond bark, popcorn and just a couple handfuls of Fritos. I know Fritos sounds weird but so good. We call it crackcorn. Love yours with the sprinkles. I never thought of that. I’ve tried to add food coloring to the almond bark which does turns it into a weird grainy paste.


    • Kara Cook
      December 30, 2018

      I’ve actually made a similar snack mix with the Fritos, and you are right, it is so good! I love the salty sweet combo!


  25. Lisa Atwood
    December 22, 2018

    I sprinkled crushed candy canes on mine this year. It’s both festive and delicious!
    For Thanksgiving I added some candy corn. Looks and tastes amazing!


    • Kara Cook
      December 23, 2018

      I love the idea of adding mix-ins for different holidays. The candy cane version sounds amazing – thanks for the idea! I’ll have to try that next year. 🙂


  26. Jill
    December 21, 2018

    I use the white chocolate to mix with regular popcorn, mixed nuts and mini pretzels. It really makes a wonderful sharable gift. The mixed nuts make it a more hearty and classy snack mix.


    • Kara Cook
      December 21, 2018

      I’ve done it with the popcorn and nuts, but never thought to add pretzels. I bet that’s yummy, I’ll have to try it next time. Thanks for the idea!


  27. Amy Huntley
    December 20, 2018

    This stuff is addicting!! Yum!


  28. Kristyn
    December 18, 2018

    YUM! I love white chocolate on anything! We’ll be making this for movie night!


  29. Fiona
    December 18, 2018

    I absolutley love white chocolate – so this was right up my alley. So easy & delicious. Hope you’re feeling better soon!


    • Kara Cook
      December 18, 2018

      Thanks friend! Thankfully I am starting to recover!


  30. Becca
    December 18, 2018

    Why have I never made this before? So addictive!


  31. Sabrina
    December 18, 2018

    This looks dangerouly addictive! I know we’re all going to love it!


  32. Jenni
    December 18, 2018

    We have always made something similar with popcorn, but I love the idea of using puffed corn instead! I bet the texture is so fun! This would be totally addicting and would not last long at my house! Making this soon with my girls!


  33. Cheryl
    December 18, 2018

    wow 6 dozen plates?!! puff corn and chocoalte is a fabulous combo!


  34. Toni
    December 17, 2018

    This recipe is so addictive! Easy to make and even easier to devour.


  35. Kristyn
    December 17, 2018

    White chocolate is my favorite! This is the best movie night snack! Yum!


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